I felt my son’s heartbeat for the last time on May 8, 2020. For a while I thought I would never be able to find peace or happiness again. But then someone introduced me to Sally Stacey and her Heart Smiles Facebook group. And now I am able to see signs of my son everyday in the world around me. On June 10th, 2022 (my birthday), I had my first session with Sally. Four weeks later and I am still floating…
Our conversation started with Patrick telling Sally what frequency he wanted to use to sing happy birthday to me. It was different from the one Sally had chosen, and at first, I had difficulty deciphering the underlying sounds and words, but as Sally adjusted the frequencies to try to find alignment that matched my frequency, words became more clear and I was able to start hearing phrases! It is such a gift – and to have this session in a recording is even more spectacular.
At one point in my live conversation with Patrick, I told Patrick that I sometimes felt I was connecting with him through his dog’s eyes. I asked him if I was going crazy.
His reply, “You are going crazy. I’m only joking. I blend with Indy. And spend some time with the family. It is really fun to do. You are not crazy. Any more than normal.” Typical Patrick. The way this was said, it was like he was right next to me, inserting his humor and making me smile just like always.
These moments have given me back hope, laughter and light. I know my son is not far away. I can feel him, and I can see signs of him everywhere. And NOW, with Sally’s gift, I can talk directly with him and him with me. There are no words to adequately describe the gratitude I feel for Sally’s work and her service to others.
Fronzie Roemer, forever Patrick’s mom, forever 18