Attending a Seance with Physical Medium, Stewart Alexander

One of the most memorable moments of my trip home was attending a seance with three other members of my home circle: Cat, Alex and Sally. Being in the presence of Stewart Alexander and his home circle members was an honor in itself. However, to have my own blend of mediumship both validated and enhanced by Stewart’s team in spirit was a gift that I will always remember with immense gratitude.

The phenomena that occurred during the seance was simply breathtaking. We were allowed to record the audio of the seance using the voice memo app on my phone, which I placed under my chair. I’m grateful that we recorded the seance, as it is an indelible record of our experience. My home circle members shared about many aspects of what occurred, and I echo their sentiments. Here, I’ll share a personal experience that I’m deeply grateful for.

During the seance, Freda, a member of Stewart’s spirit team, asked me to sit alongside Stewart. Shortly after, Walter came through wishing to speak with me. Walter Stinson is a long-time member of Stewart’s team and plays a big role in creating physical phenomena. He is also in control of experimentation and further development within Stewart’s home circle. What unfolded was extraordinary. Walter shared with me that they (Stewart’s spirit team) knew a great deal about me and that they were very aware of my developing contact with their world. He went on to convey that they wanted to take the opportunity to do something to “enhance what you already have within you.” He then asked me to relax and requested music to be played. Music played for approximately three minutes, and during it, I felt myself blending with Walter and experienced some new physical sensations. Afterwards, Walter confirmed that they had
worked with me and went on to say:-

Walter: “I speak with you all now. You live in a world which at present seems very troubled. But what a different world it would be if only mankind would accept the reality concerning death and communication. We need, always, as many authentic mediums as possible in order to get the message across to your world. Ma’am, you have an important role to play… but you know that ma’am. You know that. You know, it is my privilege, it’s my pleasure, to have been instrumental in doing what we have just done with you ma’am.”

From there, Walter proceeded to interlink two zip lock ties that had been previously locked to form two separate rings as a gift from him to me. I was grateful for the dim lighting during all of this as quiet tears of gratitude crept down my face. To be validated in this way was completely unexpected and the timing couldn’t have been better. Walter then finished with the following words:-

Walter: “Think what the world would be like that you live in if only mankind accepted this reality. We need more instruments, mediums through whom we can work ma’am and we are grateful to you, thank you.”

My response came from the heart, “I would do my best”. What an evening. My gratitude goes out to Stewart, his home circle and spirit team for a night I will always remember and treasure.

Below, the others that were present share their experience.

Sally Taylor

None of our circle members had ever sat with a traditional physical medium who goes into trance and produces ectoplasm to help facilitate communication with the world of spirit. It was a night of amazing phenomena and interaction with spirit. I personally was able to sit by Stewart and validate matter through matter phenomena and meaningful interaction through the trumpet phenomena we were privileged to witness. I was also fortunate to observe the partial materialization of Walter’s hand and arm which was more closely seen, felt, and described by Alex.

We had wonderful interactions with Stewart’s spirit team. Several loved ones were brought through via Stewart’s trance state, and at least partially successful transfiguration was achieved. Below are two short excerpts from the recording of our sitting that were particularly meaningful to our circle as a group.Walter asks the sitters if anyone has a question: I (Sally Taylor) pipe up and say, “we would love any information that you would have for us on the work that our circle is doing.”

Alex: “How can we enhance it?”

Walter: “Ma’am, let me say this to you; for all of you who are involved, who contribute to the circle, we are very aware of your dedication, your patience, your love. And we want to assure you, to take this opportunity this evening to assure you, all of you, that we are doing everything that we possibly can in order to enhance contact between yourselves and our world. All we ask is that you retain, as we know you will, your patience, your love, and then leave the rest to us.”

Dr. Barnett: “Are you able to hear my voice? (Group responds yes) Well, I am so pleased to have this opportunity to come and speak with you all. My name is Dr. Barnett. I am speaking with you now, not through the medium, but from a voice box that we have created from the energy. And believe me that this is for me a wonderful privilege just to be able to reach out to you all. You know that I am very aware of your special circle. We refer to it as your link up. And I just want you to know that great strides are being made. It is only the beginning. Much lies ahead, much lies ahead. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the souls who are working with and through you, will work with and through your circle, Thanks, gratitude, and their determination to continue on, to enhance communication. And this will be done. It will be done. God bless you all.”

Cat Lee

I had the opportunity to experience a seance with Stewart Alexander on 16th August, 2023. I had not been to a traditional physical mediumship seance before, although I have been interested and sought out quite a bit of information on what takes place. During the Stewart Alexander seance, many various phenomena took place and it was all very astounding. I brought my healthy skepticism with me but am convinced of the authenticity of the happenings. I was seated directly next to Stewart and had a clear view of all that occurred. Stewart’s arms and legs were visibly zip tied to the chair, yet at one point his arm was lifted out of the closed zip-tie, and the zip tie was given to one of the participants. His face transfigured into images of loved ones. The trumpet moved throughout the room and stroked my cheek and hair as well as touched many others. Many spirits spoke through Stewart while he was in trance, and delivered meaningful and personal messages for participants, including a message from my aunt. Several times messages were received from varying spirit voices that pertained to the circle work that several of us in attendance participated in. Walter, one of the spirits who works with Stewart, to my utter amazement, right in front of my eyes materialized his hand, which was felt and touched by Alex. The evening was a delightful display of unexplainable phenomena providing evidence of the unseen world that would stand up to investigation and was an unforgettable experience.

Alex Day

I was asked by Walter Stinson to move my chair and sit at a low table facing Stewart. The table had a very low infrared light underneath it which shined through a little, so that if I put my hand on the table, palm down, I could see my hand reasonably clearly. Walter said he wanted me to watch the table top and that he wanted to try to materialize his etheric hand.
As the materialization started, I could see a shadow opposite me, it seemed like a blob of dark coloured matter and it seemed like there was something moving within it and pushing out from it. If you imagine putting a couple of finger knuckles under something like a jumper or a T-shirt and moving them around, that was what it looked like.

Then three fingers and a thumb became visible and finally I saw the little finger. The hand moved towards me across the table a little, I could hear it move, but then it went back into the mass. Walter asked if I would like to hold the hand of a man who has been dead for over a 100 years, I said “yes”. He asked me to put my right hand palm down on top of the table, which I did.

I could see the hand materializing out of the mass, as before. From what I could see, his hand moved quite deliberately with one finger moving at a time to propel it across the table, a little like a very large spider might move, then it came across to me. I described what was happening to the rest of the sitters. His hand moved so it covered mine, it was warm, it felt normal, the same temperature as my hand, it was very soft. The hand was quite large, definitely a male hand, I could feel and see it was tapping the top of my hand. The fingers were quite thick and long and fleshy, definitely those of a young man. It was without doubt a real hand.

I was extremely honoured and privileged to experience this materialization and feel Walter’s hand. It is an experience I will never forget, both fascinating and absolutely amazing.

If you would like to learn more about Stewart Alexander, please visit his website

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